A new animated short is making history as the first to be inspired by and financed by a cryptocurrency rooted in an Internet meme.
“The Shiba and the Whale” is an animated short film that is being produced by BAFTA winner Ser En in partnership with the Doge NFT and Dogecoin Foundation. The film will consist of 10,000 Collectible Frames that tell one unified story when strung together in a sequence.
The film takes place in a future where climate change has created irreversible damage and humanity is abandoning the Earth for a settlement on the moon. The dog Shiba is left behind by her owner but is hopeful that she can get aboard the last rocket to leave the planet. But Shiba faces her own demise with rising floodwaters, and the timely acquaintance of a whale helps her survive the environmental maelstrom.
Some of the film”™s storyline is an inside joke that may be lost on those unfamiliar with the cryptocurrency scene ”“ the Shiba Inu dog breed is the symbol of Dogecoin, while many Dogecoin holders aspire to see their digital investment go “to the moon.” The whale is a digital wallet address that holds a significant amount of cryptocurrency.
The creators of the film are seeking to crowdfund its budget via the Juicebox platform. According to the film”™s website, contributors to the project will receive Tokens of Appreciation that will offer “community-exclusive opportunities to engage with this piece of intellectual property, including redeemable collectibles and co-creation proposals.”