Utiliz, a Norwalk-headquartered energy broker and technology platform, has expanded outside of the Northeast by entering the Maryland market.
The company, which was acquired in January by Path One Group LLC, currently serves customers in Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts and New Hampshire. In extending its footprint into Maryland, the company noted that 85 percent of that state”™s energy customers are still with their default utility supplier, even though Maryland has a deregulated energy market.
“Energy deregulation has the potential to empower millions of consumers to make better, more affordable and more sustainable energy choices,” said Utiliz CEO Cami Boehme. “Unfortunately, the current marketplace makes it very hard for the average consumer to take advantage of competitive options. As a result, so few consumers have made the switch, and those that have likely did not have a positive experience. Our goal is to leverage technology to make something that used to be complex very simple and rewarding. We work for our customers, looking out for their best interest and letting them realize the benefits that energy deregulation affords.”