Connecticut companies were the subject of 40 percent fewer penalties from the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration between 2011 and 2015, according to an analysis released by the Connecticut Health I-Team.
In a review of data released by OSHA”™s Bridgeport and Hartford offices, initial penalties levied against Connecticut employers fell 40 percent from $10.86 million in 2011 to $5.07 million four years later. Local companies were also successful in negotiating OSHA settlements, which resulted in penalty payments dropping from $6.26 million in 2011 to $3.51 million in 2015.
However, this situation is hardly unique to Connecticut: In addition, the national level of OSHA inspections dropped from 40,993 in fiscal year 2010 to 35,820 in 2015, while total number of violations plummeted by 33 percent from 96,742 in 2010 to 65,044 in 2015.