Mount St. Mary College”™s quest to get more bang for its energy buck increased with the installation of solar panels on its Elmwood Place dorm.
It”™s the first of what the college hopes to be many more energy-friendly additions to its Newburgh campus, particularly where roofing needs upgrading.
Green Building and Material Supply Inc. and Kirchoff Green Energy L.L.C. handled the installation of the system with Sunnyside Solar. Seventy solar panels were installed on the dorm”™s southern-facing roof on June 23 and 24.
With the new net metering installed to track its success, it is estimated the new roof will provide at least 14 kilowatts of electricity, which is expected to cut the dorm”™s electric bill in half.
The installation cost nearly $100,000; a $47,500 rebate from New York State Energy Research and Development Authority will help offset the cost, college spokeswoman Janet Gianopoulos said. The college expects the installation to pay for itself in seven to 10 years.