State and local officials were scheduled to gather today to mark the completion of the Manhattan Avenue Senior Apartments development at 52 Manhattan Ave. in Greenburgh. The $38 million project offers 70 apartments for seniors with incomes from 30% to 60% of the Westchester Area Median Income (AMI).
The development was created by the Greenburgh Housing Authority, Georgia Green Ventures LLC and New York State Homes and Community Renewal (HCR). Among those scheduled to attend the celebration were HCR Commissioner RuthAnne Visnauskas, Westchester County Executive George Latimer, Greenburgh Town Supervisor Paul Feiner, Executive Director of the Greenburgh Housing Authority Raju Abraham and David Gallo, president of Georgia Green Ventures.
The new seÂnior afÂfordÂable housÂing comÂplex is on property adÂjaÂcent to the Theodore D. Young ComÂmuÂnity CenÂter. The units are reÂserved for houseÂholds aged 62 and up. Rents vary according to a tenant’s income in relation to AMI, and generally range from $597 to $1,367. Appliances and heat are all-electric and the tenant pays for utilities. Feiner pointed out that the development is within walkÂing disÂtance of the CrossÂroads shopÂping cenÂter on Route 119.
An existing senior affordable housing development was demolished to make way for the new facility. In the construction, 156 wood-framed modular units manufactured by Simplex Industries in Scranton, Pennsylvania, were used. The development includes apartments that are designed for wheelchair use and include a roll-in shower.