Small businesses received a record $93.3 billion in federal prime contracts in fiscal 2008, an increase of almost $10 billion over the prior year, according to the SBA scorecard released Aug. 21.
“This record is significant,” said Karen Mills, SBA administrator.
“However, across the federal government, we are committed to ensuring the 23 percent goal is met and exceeded going forward. Especially during these tough economic times, federal contracts for small businesses can be just the opportunity they need to continue to grow and create jobs.”
U.S. Commerce Secretary Gary Locke and Mills announced a government-wide plan that includes federal agency procurement officials holding or participating in events to share information on government contracting opportunities, including those available under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.
The scorecard can be reviewed at
The SBA also released its fiscal 2009 lender ranking for its New York District offices. Among Westchester and Hudson Valley rankings in order of amounts loaned were: TDBank, JPMorgan Chase, HSBC, Wachovia, Wells Fargo Bank (National Association), Citibank, Webster Bank, KeyBank, Bank of America, RBS, Ulster Savings Bank, Provident Bank, Rondout Savings Bank, Mid-Hudson Valley Federal Credit Union, Wilbert National Bank and Rhinebeck Savings Bank.
The total amount of loans made by the 75 banks included in the SBA release was $173,893,200. The Empire State Certified Development Corp., included on the list in a separate category, granted 104 loans for a total of $68,944,685 as of July 31.