A newly launched health care services company in the Hudson Valley will provide transitional care management and care coordination services to patients discharged from Orange Regional Medical Center in Middletown.
The agreement with the Orange County hospital was announced by Dr. Virginia Feldman, founding president and CEO of Nexus Health Resources L.L.C. in Middletown. Her company, formed in response to the Affordable Care Act and the nation”™s changing health care delivery models, also offers management services for medical practices and educational services.
Feldman said Nexus Health Resources will work with the regional hospital”™s discharged Medicare patients who have diagnoses of congestive heart failure and pneumonia.
In a press release she said Nexus Health Resources was created to provide hospitals, medical practices and skilled nursing facilities with the administrative support they need to reduce 30-day hospital readmission rates and the resulting financial penalties imposed by ACA provisions.
“All too frequently, the discharge facility, medical practitioners and other service providers function in silos,” said Feldman, a practicing surgeon and governing chairperson for Hudson Valley Ambulatory Surgery L.L.C., a Middletown medical center she co-founded in 2007.
The Nexus care coordinator engages the patient and his or her family during hospitalization, collaborates with the hospital”™s discharge staff and provides the support network the patient needs during the critical 30-day post-hospitalization period. The coordinator”™s work includes scheduling follow-up physician appointments, ensuring delivery of any necessary medical equipment, facilitating bedside delivery of medications and providing a recording of care instructions that patients can use after discharge.
“Helping patients transition from hospital to home is a health care challenge requiring a high level of administrative coordination,” said Rose Baczewski, a vice president at Greater Hudson Valley Health System in Middletown, the parent company of Orange Regional Medical Center. “Transitional care providers mark a paradigm shift in how we can address that challenge and Nexus Health Resources will be the clerical arm to our clinical services.”