White Plains is one of eight cities thta will receive a “Love Your Block” grant from the nonprofit organization Cities of Service.
The city will receive $100,000 in funding over the next two years to support resident-led efforts to address neighborhood blight and revitalize communities, especially in areas needing repairs or remediation.
Albany was the only other state in New York to win a grant this year.
Cities will be able to use the funding to award “mini-grants” to residents and community partners for qualifying projects.
Past projects have included environmental cleanups, vacant lot and public space reactivation, public art displays, graffiti cleanups, exterior home repairs, and creation of community gardens or green space.
The grant will also fund a Love Your Block fellow, who will come from the community, and up to two AmeriCorps VISTA members and technical assistance from Cities of Service staff.
The Love Your Block program has awarded grants to nearly 50 cities since it began in 2009, and is supported by Bloomberg Philanthropies and AmeriCorps.