A one-day global celebration, “World Fish Migration Day,” to create awareness for the importance of migratory fish took place April 21 with 552 events in more than 63 countries. The Greenwich Conservation Commission held an open house at the Mianus River fish ladder.
Constructed in 1993, the fish ladder allows fish such as alewives and blueback herring (collectively referred to as river herring) to gain access to important spawning and nursery habitat in the Mianus River. During the two-hour open house, more than 100 participants were given a tour of the fishway, learned about its history, the natural history of the fish that utilize it and how it is operated.
Within the last month, 25,000 herring have already passed through the fish ladder and the group expects to see those numbers continue to rise over the next two months.
The fish ladder couldn”™t function without the team of volunteers who visit once a week to record the counter numbers, weather conditions and net in the resting pools. If you”™re interested in volunteering with us next year or for more information, contact Sarah Nahabedian, Conservation resource manager at 203-622-6461 or sarah.nahabedian@greenwichct.org.