Hold elected officials responsible for actions
The public and the politicians are caught in a futile routine. When things go bad ”“ economically, socially, ethically ”“ both are quick to point out what”™s wrong, find someone or something to blame it on, and then ”¦ nothing. Nothing really happens to fix the problem or to find a solution to keep it from happening again. So things stay bad or get worse. Our present dysfunctional and over-taxing government is proof perfect.
We have been watching this dance for many years, yet somehow the situation hasn”™t been bad enough, cost enough or become painful enough to overcome public disinterest to effect sustained, substantial change. The politicians know that all they need do is promise the “right” kind of changes to get elected. Once elected, they can concentrate on helping the “powers” that helped fund their campaigns so they will be assured funding for re-election. Somehow, keeping promises to the public who elected them and rely on them to do their jobs and make things better, becomes a low priority.Â
It doesn”™t take a genius
Albert Einstein defined insanity as “doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” Then are we all insane? While we may not agree on the best way to fix things, we do know what”™s wrong ”“ and at some point, it doesn”™t really matter whose fault it is. If we want to make things better, we need to stop talking about who is a Republican or a Democrat and focus on the fact that we”™re all Americans, New Yorkers and Westchesterites. It”™s time to work together to find sustainable solutions to our common problems.
If we”™re going to enact meaningful change, a unique set of circumstances makes this the ideal time to do it. There are challenges: High unemployment, lack of credit and the collapse of financial markets have combined to create the worst recession in decades. Broke and broken, New York state is at the tipping point financially. Services are being cut across the board ”“ and it”™s not just the elderly and needy who are suffering. And elected officials”™ ethical misdeeds are causing voters to lose faith in them. The public must hold politicians to a higher standard and not allow actions that are not what they promised or not in the public interest. If a politician is not performing well, the next election is the time for a change. We don”™t need term limits, we need people to vote.
In 2010, almost every elected official in New York state is up for re-election. Listen to the people running for office and demand effective plans to make the changes they promise a reality. Tell the people you elect you intend to watch them and you expect them to do what they promised. In Westchester, we have a new county executive, Rob Astorino, who is focused on economic development and determined to reduce government spending. Hold him accountable for his promises and help him make it happen.
We as a public and a business community must deal with this situation. We can”™t sit back and wait for our elected officials alone to make the necessary changes and miraculously figure out ”“ and do ”“ what”™s best for us. The community needs to get engaged, become part of the conversation and remind those in public office who they work for, and what”™s expected of them.
What can you do?
The first thing you have to do is care.
Second, realize your contribution ”“ your voice ”“ can and will make a difference.
Get engaged. Ask questions and gather information. Go to school board meetings in your town. Visit the websites and attend meetings of local business groups. Put some effort into understanding the issues and challenges.
Pay attention to the decisions elected officials make on our behalf. Talk with them. Discuss what”™s working and what”™s not. Force them to have the tough conversations, and hold them accountable for their promises. Demand more oversight on spending. Tell them do more with less, just like we are doing.
Demand more transparency. For example, put the county budget in front of the public with enough time to read, understand and comment on it. Our elected officials have a tremendous amount of technical expertise available to them ”“ people who are willing to donate their time and services to serve the public. These are the kind of resources government cannot afford to waste.
Of course, we can”™t just ask more of our elected officials; we have to do more, too. When we ask them to make the hard choices, we need to support them after they do it. That happens by understanding there is a shared sacrifice and calling on others to accept that fact as well. We can”™t put our own self interest in front of the greater good.
With so many stakeholders ”“ the public, business owners, union representatives and members, politicians ”“ the task of repairing our broken system seems overwhelming.
But we have the ability to change things for the better, and it is our responsibility to do it. I”™m asking you to start by doing one thing. After you read this article, decide not to just put it away and assume you can”™t help.
Margaret Mead said it best: “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”
Howard P. Klein, CPA, is managing partner of EZKR Accounting and Consulting L.L.P. in White Plains. Reach him at hklein@ezkrcpa.com.