WSHU Public Radio

Exposes racial bias

WSHU Public Radio, which is owned and operated by Sacred Heart University in Fairfield and covers Connecticut and Long Island, collected a second-place prize from the Public Media Journalists Association for its immigration-focused podcast “Everytown: The Hamptons,” which detailed efforts by a group of residents to pressure the town into closing a motel that was the home to many of the Latin American immigrants in the local workforce.

The problem for many Hamptonites was a financial burden that some homeowners found unfair. Hamptons”™ schools are financed primarily through property taxes. Living in hotels and paying rent does not equate to paying property taxes.

Furthermore, efforts by Latina immigrants with children to find housing within the area were burdened by landlords who would not rent to households with youngsters.

“I think this is one of the beauties of radio that we can actually take our microphone to a physical location and see how these big national unresolved problems play out in every town,” said WSHU radio host.

WSHU distributed “Everytown: The Hamptons” through the Apple Podcast, Spotify, Google Podcast and Stitcher platforms.

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