Wells Fargo

A supportive bank

The Connecticut State Colleges & University (CCSU) Foundation received a $75,000 grant to support equity-based programs and services aimed at improving educational outcomes among students who are facing material hardships at Gateway, Norwalk and Housatonic Community Colleges.

Gateway Community College in New Haven offers the Equity in Education Fund focused on providing students with the resources and support they need at the start of their academic career to ensure long-term success. Norwalk Community College”™s UPLIFT program is focused on narrowing the equity gap for men of color.

The Family Economic Security Program (FESP) at Housatonic Community College in Bridgeport is centered on providing women caring for dependents with aid for completing their studies while taking care of others.

Wells Fargo believes that supporting equity-based programs in community colleges is a “no-brainer.”

For more, visit https://www.wellsfargo.com/