Three tons of food for the hungry
As flowers bloom and the sun finally peeks out from behind the spring rain clouds, children eagerly await summer vacation from school. While the children may be excited, the prospect of summer poses a scary possibility for many low-income parents: hunger. With no subsidized school breakfasts and lunches during the week, parents must provide extra meals.
In partnership with the Community Action Agency of Western Connecticut, Cartus, a relocation services enterprise in Danbury, came up with a unique way to help. Employees of Cartus challenged one another to collect food until their boss”™ office was stuffed with nonperishable items.
Not only did Cartus employees fill the CEO”™s office, but the foods they collected spilled into several rooms at the headquarters. At the end of their collection, they were able to provide 6,817 food items to local organizations for distribution. The food weighed more than 6,000 pounds and was enough to feed 5,000 people.