High schoolers invited to try college

Fairfield University”™s annual Summer Scholars Program, a two-week residential and academic college experience offering high-achieving high school seniors and juniors the opportunity to experience campus life as an undergraduate, returns July 9, through July 22.

Program applications are available to students with a high school GPA of 3.2 or higher at fairfield.edu/summerscholars and will be accepted through June 30.     

During the program, students connect with professors, experience dorm life and earn college credits. Each scholar is required to take a three-credit course. 

While on campus, all summer scholars will live in double rooms in one of the university”™s main residential halls and will have access to the many amenities offered on campus, entertaining extra-curricular activities and off-campus field trips.

More information from program coordinator Sandy Richardson at 203-254-4000, ext. 2911.