Fairfield University Art Museum

Ahead of the times

Fairfield University Art Museum (FUAM) Executive Director Carey Weber said in what seemed to be fall exhibitions planned as responses to present-day societal issues, “”¦We planned these three years ago. Clearly these are topics that have needed to be explored in museums for a long time.” The fall exhibition marked the first time that its galleries were devoted exclusively to Black artists. While noting Fairfield University offers courses on the Black Lives Matter movement and African American art, she believes the exhibition will further enrich those academic offerings. “There are a number of artists who are using their voices to try and make change, particularly Black artists who have reached a certain level of renown and importance,” Weber said.  In 2022, Weber stated the museum will continue to plumb the multicultural artistic experience with its first exhibition of contemporary Chinese art from January through March, and presentations of works by Black Bridgeport-based photographer Adger Cowans during the spring and by Cuban-American visual artist Gladys Triana in the fall.

For more, visit https://www.fairfield.edu/museum/