Chocolate, strawberries and breast health

The city of Norwalk along with the Smilow Family Breast Center of Norwalk Hospital and CancerCare Inc. are hosting “Chocolate, Strawberries and Breast Health,” a program where experts will discuss topics focused on breast health and awareness for both men and women. The event will be held Wednesday, March 29, 5 p.m. at Norwalk City Hall, 125 East Ave. 

Lucia C. Rilling, the first lady of Norwalk, will deliver opening remarks. Featured topics and presenters will include “Screening Recommendations” led by Jeanne Capasse, surgical director, Norwalk Hospital; “Dispel Myths and Fears” led by Mary Heery, breast health specialist, Norwalk Hospital; “Navigate Health Barriers” led by Zarek Mena, certified patient navigator, Norwalk Hospital; and “Maintain Breast Health and Access Services” led by Susan Beno, clinical supervisor, CancerCare Inc. To register, call Zarek Mena at 203-852-2300.