Breakthrough Fitness Co.
A special-needs program
Fitness training can be a challenge for the average person, but for individuals with developmental disabilities the challenge increases.
Breakthrough Fitness Co., a new gym in Hartsdale, offers a special-needs fitness program under the supervision of Jake Allyne, a personal trainer who became an expert in this niche after being introduced to the client base during his college years when he worked with a special-needs fitness program. During the pandemic his big-box gym gigs became the go-to program for special-needs clients.
Post-pandemic, Allyne realized he needed something that could accommodate a growing client base. He worked with the Westchester County Office of Economic Development Launch1000 program, which resulted in a new gym. He is planning for a combination of one-on-one and group training sessions and creating an environment that will not disrupt his clients”™ concentration on training.
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