Bowling a strike against hunger

The Seuss”™ettes from left: Michelle Taggart, Charlotte Diaz, Heather Decker, Rachael Cox and Luisa Scott.

The Strike Out Hunger Bowl-a-thon took place at the Quinnz Pinz bowling alley in Middletown for the benefit of RECAP”™s Nutrition & Advocacy programs. The event generated more than $1,000 for the nonprofit”™s food pantry. 

“We”™re thankful for the community support we receive every year for this event,” said Francine Tavares, Human Services Coordinator at RECAP and organizer of the event. “The competition for best dressed was especially fierce this year.” 

Staff members of a local Head Start staff won trophies as Best Dressed Team for their costumes based on the art of children”™s book author Dr. Seuss. Not so coincidentally, they named their team The Seuss”™ettes. Other teams carried names such as Motion to Strike, The Dressers and the Gutter Girls.

RECAP”™s food pantry program will soon kick off its annual Thanksgiving Drive. The most needed donations are turkeys, canned gravy, boxed stuffing, canned yams and sweet potatoes, instant potatoes, pie and cake mix, and canned fruit and vegetables. Monetary donations help cover bulk purchases from local food banks. Donations are accepted until Friday, Nov. 17 at RECAP”™s Nutrition & Advocacy Program at 119 E. Main St. in Middletown.