NY Thruway to begin toll increase process
When the New York State Thruway Authority’s Board of Directors meets this coming Monday, Dec. 5, it is expected to approve beginning the process that could lead to increased tolls. The toll review process is likely to take most of 2023. Its expected that an increase of 10% in the base E-ZPass toll rate would be sought to take place over the next five years, with a 5% hike on Jan. 1, 2024 and another 5% hike on Jan. 1, 2027.
Tolls on the Mario M. Cuomo Bridge as currently scheduled would not be affected by the toll hike proposal. The bridge tolls, like those for the rest of the Thruway, are frozen through 2023. Beginning on Jan. 1, 2024, a schedule takes effect calling for 50-cent annual increases to the base NY E-ZPass passenger toll rates for 2024, 2025, 2026 and 2027.
The Commuter Discount Plan for the bridge that offers a 40% discount remains in effect. The discount plan for Westchester and Rockland residents who use the bridge frequently and register for a discount goes up from 17% to 20%.
“As a tolling authority, we receive no state, federal or local tax dollars to support our operations, and when effective, we will not have had a system-wide toll increase for NY E-ZPass customers in 14 years,” a Thruway spokesperson told the Business Journal in a statement. The spokesperson emphasized that the Board of Directors would not vote on a toll increase on Dec. 5, but the vote merely is to start the process to review a toll increase proposal.
“It will include public hearings, receiving and considering public comments, and ultimately final consideration by the Thruway Authority Board of Directors within the next year,” the spokesperson’s statement said.
The Thruway Authority said that even with the proposed hikes its toll rates will remain among the lowest in the country compared with similar toll roads. It placed the New York Thruway base passenger vehicle toll rate at less than $0.05 per mile compared with the Ohio Turnpike’s $0.06 per mile, the New Jersey Turnpike ‘s $0.11 per mile and the Pennsylvania Turnpike’s $0.14 per mile.