Bee-Line bus riders invited to comment on proposed rate hike
Westchester County is offering those who use public transportation an opportunity to voice their opinion about a proposed rate hike.
The county”™s Department of Public Works and Transportation is will hold a public hearing on Wednesday, Jan. 23 at the Westchester County Center in White Plains.
The county is inviting riders to comment on the formal adoption of a fare increase for the Bee-Line Bus system. The plan to raise rates corresponds with the regional rate hikes approved by the Metropolitan Transit Authority (MTA). Although the county transportation system falls under the MTA MetroCard system, final approval for a Bee-Line rate hike requires a county department vote.
The changes include an increase of single-ride bus fares from $2.25 to $2.50 – the same increase New York City bus and subway riders face – and the 30-day unlimited MetroCard, which can be used on the Bee-Line, will increase from $104 to $112.
For those who cannot attend the public hearing, letters may be submitted to The Westchester County Department of Public Works and Transportation, 100 E. 1st St., Mount Vernon, N.Y. 10550. They must be received by Jan. 24.