Report: IBM moved AIX development jobs from US to India

IBM (NYSE:IBM) has quietly relocated the jobs held by U.S. IBM Systems employees developing AIX to India.

According to a report in The Register, the shift occurred in the third quarter of 2022. AIX is series of proprietary Unix operating systems developed and sold by the Armonk-based company for several of its computer platforms, and prior to the third quarter the development work was divided between the U.S. and India.

IBM has not made any official announcement of this shift and twice ignored requests by The Register for comment. Approximately 80 U.S.-based AIX developers were impacted, and The Register reported the majority of workers found jobs elsewhere within the company while others have to be placed.

“It also appears that these people in ‘redeployment’ limbo within IBM are all older, retirement eligible employees,” an anonymous source stated. “The general sense among my peers is that redeployment is being used to nudge older employees out of the company and to do so in a manner that avoids the type of scrutiny that comes with layoffs.”