U.S. Sen. Murphy stops following President Trump on Twitter

Call it a sign of the times: U.S. Sen. Chris Murphy has taken to Twitter to announce he will no longer follow President Trump”™s tweets.

The Connecticut Democrat informed his 782,000-plus Twitter followers yesterday that the president”™s tweets have been disconnected from his Twitter feed.

“I”™m unfollowing the President of the United States today on Twitter, because his feed is the most hate-filled, racist, and demeaning of the 200+ I follow, and it regularly ruins my day to read it,” he stated. “So I”™m just going to stop. I can”™t believe I just typed that.”

Trump did not comment on Twitter about Murphy”™s digital cold-shoulder. Reaction to Murphy”™s decision was mixed, ranging from sincerely supportive messaging to scatological criticism. Without the president, Murphy”™s Twitter account now follows 201 other accounts, including former Republican gubernatorial candidate Bob Stefanowski and Murphy”™s Republican Senate colleagues Lindsey Graham and Chuck Grassley. Although Murphy frequently highlights the work of Connecticut-based manufacturing businesses, he doesn’t follow any of them on Twitter, nor is he following any Fairfield County business or nonprofit.