Fitness fix
Dana Cavalea, director of strength and conditioning for the New York Yankees, has opened a turf and rubber-laden performance center called ML Strength at 188 E. Post Road in White Plains.
Everyone who enters the team-training environment is dubbed an athlete.
“Being that White Plains is kind of the epicenter of Westchester, we were going for a model that would attract the outer communities to come to us, but also attract people who live in somewhat of a mini metropolitan (cluster) as well,” Cavalea said.
ML Strength melds physical training with nutrition consultations, physical therapy and massage.
“I kind of founded this place in saying, ”˜Alright, well why do people fail in fitness or fail in a routine?”™ and I found there”™s no one to hold them accountable,” Cavalea said. “They”™re not a part of anything, there”™s no competition and it”™s not fun.”
Part of Cavalea”™s fitness-training regimen focuses on accountability.
If you don”™t show up, you get a phone call.
“It”™s taking the environment of professional sports and bringing it here.”
Individualized fitness plans begin with an initial comprehensive evaluation.
“We”™re looking to build out some Saturday and Sunday hikes, team-based hikes, in Westchester and beyond,” Cavalea said. “Our whole goal is really to inspire our members” to health and wellness.
The website is