Yonkers’ 36 Gray Place sells for $1.1M

The Yonkers apartment building at 36 Gray Place has been sold for $1.1 million.

36 Gray Place Yonkers
36 Gray Place.

Built in 1925, the property covers an 0.18-acre site and consists of nine three-bedroom units in a four-story brick walk-up. United Multi Family Corp. (UMF) represented the seller, Mikevin Management III, and procured the buyer, 30 Gray Property LLC.

“We are pleased to have successfully sold 36 Gray Place for our client who was ready to retire from the real estate business after 18 years of ownership,” said Matt Cawley, senior director at UMF.

“We were able to advise the client over the past year to prep the property for the sale … This work paid off for our client as we were able to obtain an all-cash, full ask offer before we even hit the market.”