Connecticut single-family home, condo sales and prices down

Sales and prices for single-family homes and condominiums in Connecticut were down in October from one year earlier, according to data from The Warren Group.

housing sales connecticut single-family homeLast month, 2,868 single-family homes were sold in Connecticut, down from the 2,961 homes sold in October 2017. Year-to-date, there were 28,752 single-family home sales in the state, down 1.5 percent from the first 10 months of 2017. Also on the decline were home prices: the median single-family home price for October was $247,000, a 0.4 percent drop from the previous year. However, the year-to-date median sale price of $260,000 was 4 percent above the same period last year.

On the condominium side of Connecticut”™s housing market, there were 843 sales in October, down from the 851 sales one year earlier. The median sale price last month of $155,000 was lower than the $161,500 price from one year earlier. Nonetheless, year-to-date condo sales totaled 7,710 transactions with a median sale price of $165,000, a 1.2 percent uptick from the first 10 months of 2017.

“The declining sales numbers for both single-family homes and condos isn”™t surprising based on recent trends,” said Timothy Warren, CEO of Boston-based The Warren Group. “This is the third consecutive month that single-family homes have declined year over year, and the second consecutive month for condos on the same basis.”