PR agency talks ‘Apples & Oranges’

Harrison Edwards Public Relations & Marketing of Bedford Hills has received the 2008 Diamond Award for Creativity from the Specialty Advertising Association of Greater New York.

The agency was recognized for its “Apples & Oranges” direct-marketing campaign, part of a marketing program to promote the 401(k) plan auditing services of Buchbinder Tunick & Co., an accounting firm in New York City.

The promotion was designed as an “orapple,” half of an orange and half of an apple on note cubes to illustrate the difference between 401(k) audits and corporate audits, and that each needs to be approached differently.

“We wanted to state clearly and simply our client”™s value proposition, which is that you need special expertise to do 401(k) audits correctly because they are vastly different from corporate audits,” said Carolyn B. Mandelker, president of Harrison Edwards.

The campaign concept was created and executed by Harrison Edwards and the cube was produced by Ad Source Marketing of Hawthorne.