Bob Cole Interview



The labor pool is getting crowded. Bigger fish ”“ in greater numbers ”“ are diving in and the competition is fierce. It”™s understandable that many out-of-work people are getting frustrated by dead-ends and no callbacks. Companies are hiring, however, but these jobs, unless posted online, likely go under the radar of the average seeker.

So it”™s really not what you know? That remains case by case, of course. Still, who you know can make a big difference ”“ at least in terms of getting in the ear of a decision-maker. And here in Westchester and Fairfield counties, there are lots of opportunities to network and connect.

The Business Journal checked in with Bob Cole, co-owner of Cole Communications, a public relations and marketing company in Bronxville, N.Y.

In an “Online” interview, Cole talked about networking organizations and strategies for marketing yourself in a competitive environment. He also offered some do”™s and don”™ts ”“ and cautioned networkers about the tendency toward more “me” and less “you.”