Annie Farrell and Tatiana Kaletsch.

Annie Farrell of North Salem, and Tatiana Kaletsch of Kent Lakes, have been appointed to the Westchester Land Trust (WLT) Advisory Board. Both bring robust experience in the fields of sustainable farming and public health and will use their professional insights to work alongside WLT”™s staff, Advisory Board and Board of Directors to support land protection, increased access to the outdoors and stronger local food systems.

Farrell has been a powerhouse in the field of sustainable farming in the greater New York area for four decades. She is currently a consultant for several private and noteworthy farms in the region.

Previously, she served as director of Millstone Farm in Wilton, Connecticut, and consulted for David Rockefeller to develop the master plan for Stone Barns Center for Food and Agriculture, Dave Matthews”™ Best of What”™s Around Farm, Farm Aid, Annie Liebovitz”™s Clifton Point Farm, Martha Stewart”™s Katonah Farm, and designed the community Fodor Farm in the city of Norwalk. She spent 10 years developing Cabbage Hill Farm and designed and built the aquaponic systems at the farm.

Kaletsch is actively engaged with and supportive of WLT”™s land stewardship work. She is a master of public health with more than 20 years experience implementing healthy habits systems for individuals and groups in corporate, clinical, educational and community settings. She has expertise in collaborative, interdisciplinary strategies to prevent chronic disease.

Kaletsch serves on the Board of the New York City Audubon Society and is on the advisory councils at NH Forward and the NY WILD Film Festival held at the Explorer”™s Club.