Videographer Chris Casaburi of Executive PhotoVideo and Lisa Kaslyn of Prosper Communications, both of Lake Carmel, were named Community Event Activism/Rallies Independent Producer category winners of the 2021 Hometown Media Award from the Alliance for Community Media Foundation. The awards program was established to honor and promote community media, radio and local cable programs that are distributed on public, educational and governmental (PEG) access cable television channels.  Proceeds go to the ACM Foundation, which is exclusively used for facilitating, preserving and promoting education in community media.

“Through the generous support of business sponsors, including Tompkins Mahopac Bank, Titan Concrete, Downey Energy, Schech”™s Pool Spa Patio and Christopher X. Maher, the Putnam County Business Council funded the development of a public service campaign to support our hospitality industry, which was among the hardest hit by Covid,” said Kaslyn.  

Each year, nearly 1,000 entries are submitted and evaluated by a panel of judges from the industry. 

“The Hometown Media Awards celebrate both the excellence of work and the diversity of media that appears on community channels being produced around the country”¦.”said Mike Wassenaar, president and CEO, Alliance for Community Media.

Founded in 1979, the Alliance for Community Media is a national, nonprofit membership organization committed to ensuring access to electronic media for all people.