This year marks the 15th anniversary of The Sharing Shelf, the nonprofit clothing bank serving Westchester County. Based in Port Chester, it operates a warehouse where new and gently used clothes are collected. Volunteers screen the clothes for quality and the clothes are distributed for free to low-income children and teens through social-service agencies, schools and other nonprofits.

In 2023, The Sharing Shelf accomplishments include:

• 4,900 wardrobe packs provided, with each pack containing a week’s worth of clothing.

• 2,294 winter coats distributed.

• 1,874 backpacks provided, with each containing grade-appropriate school supplies.

• 123 social-service agencies, schools and other nonprofits served.

In each case, the ultimate recipient is a child or teen in need, and the clothing provided is both age- and season-appropriate, fits properly and boosts the individual’s esteem and confidence.  Clothing applications increased in two years from 2,978 in 2021 to 5,579 in 2023.