More than 100 people attended the Big Brothers Big Sisters (BBBS)of Rockland County’s annual fundraiser on Saturday, Nov. 11. The ‘80s-themed event brought out the creativity among the guests along with their generosity. It’s the organization’s largest fundraiser of the year that helps to support the group’s programs, which serve Rockland’s “at-risk” youth, between the ages of 7 and 18 – primarily those from one-parent homes. Support from the business community is ultra-important for this group and the children it serves.
“Fundraising is undoubtedly a challenging endeavor. The intricate process of ensuring full attendance, generating funds through ticket and raffle sales can be undeniably stressful. Witnessing, however, the camaraderie that unfolds, the sea of smiling faces, and the resounding affirmation from supporters of the organization contribute to an atmosphere of excitement and fulfillment,” said Gillian Ballard, president and CEO, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Rockland County. “Over the years, as we’ve immersed ourselves into various fundraising initiatives, there hasn’t been a single year that hasn’t proven both enriching and profoundly satisfying as a testament to the unwavering spirit of our community,” she added.
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Rockland is the local affiliate of Big Brothers Big Sisters of America and operates a community mentoring program that provides services to at-risk youth throughout Rockland County. As the oldest and largest youth mentoring organization in Rockland County, BBBS has been a leader in one-on-one services for 40 years.