Jeanette Gisbert, executive director of Volunteer New York!, kicks off the Boot Camp program.

Volunteer New York!”™s fifth annual Nonprofit Board Boot Camp presented with The Business Council of Westchester, kicked off with two sessions in December and concludes with a Nonprofit Board Speed Dating event in late January. This virtual three-part professional development series offers local professionals and business leaders a guided path to board service and to have a larger impact on their community. The virtual Boot Camp sessions prepare participants to become successful and valued nonprofit board members and are designed to benefit those who are new to board service, as well as those with seasoned backgrounds. Since first introduced in 2015 by Volunteer New York!, this event has helped local nonprofits connect with hundreds of prepared board. And in 2019, “The Wall Street Journal” used this event as an example of how nonprofits have had to innovate to successfully fill board seats.