HN Jefferson Arpi Ordonez, center, receives a command coin from Capt. Matthew Marcinkiewicz, commanding officer of NMRLC. Photo by Julius Evans, NMRLC Public Affairs.

Hospitalman Jefferson Arpi Ordóñez, a native of Peekskill, New York, received a command coin from Capt. Matthew Marcinkiewicz, commanding officer of Naval Medical Readiness Logistics Command (NMRLC), for being “outstanding” during the command uniform inspection. Ordóñez, a 2021 graduate of Peekskill High School, joined the Navy nearly two years ago.
“I volunteered to serve in the United States Navy as a way of giving thanks for all the opportunities this nation has given me and my family,” said Ordóñez. “I dream of being the first naval officer in my family and I want to make my family’s name known for greatness and overachievement. I’m going to apply for the Navy’s Seaman to Admiral-21 program next year. I want to inspire younger generations like myself from an immigrant background and let them know that you can accomplish your dreams.”
“Living in Peekskill, there were a lot of people with the same cultural background as me,” said Ordóñez. “I come from an Ecuadorian immigrant background and I speak three languages: Spanish, Kichwa and English. This has constantly reminded me to never forget where I come from and who I represent. Humility is the fuel to accomplishment in my naval career.”
“My job as an optician technician is rewarding,” said Ordóñez. “Starting off with the Sailor’s Creed every day reminds me of the reason I am here today. We’re proudly providing the sight to fight for our military. Even though I am not personally in contact with the patient, I know that by doing my part in making these glasses I just helped them see better.”
As a member of the Navy, Ordóñez is part of a world-class organization focused on maintaining maritime dominance, strengthening partnerships, increasing competitive warfighting capabilities and sustaining combat-ready forces in support of the National Defense Strategy.
“The Navy defends our nation through humanitarian missions, assisting our allies and promoting peace,” said Ordóñez. “However, we are also a supportive force for the countries around the world that are challenged by the enemies of democracy. We are committed to the excellence of our way of life and are prepared to defend it at all costs.”