During his short lifetime Luke Meyers dedicated himself to combatting global warming by educating his community and planning a career working on climate-change mitigation.
Although he had only 15 years on this earth, his passion and ideas impacted thousands of people. On one day alone in November 2019, hundreds of people swept Greenwich Point Park clean of trash during the “Live Like Luke” beach clean-up.
Last year, Luke contacted the Make a Wish Foundation a 501 nonprofit organization founded and headquartered in Phoenix, Arizona, that helps fulfill the wishes of children with a critical illness between the ages of 2”‹Â¹â„â‚‚ and 18 years old about installing a climate-change education center at the Bruce Museum Seaside Center in Greenwich.
Working with the Meyers family and its community partners, the Bruce Museum has launched a crowdfunding campaign to help raise funds for the Luke”™s Wish Climate Change Exhibit. As a part of Sustainable CT”™s Community Match Fund, the fundraising campaign will be hosted by and the first $15,000 in donations will be matched dollar-for-dollar by Sustainable CT. The website url is, and the goal is to raise $26,500 by Jan. 15, to complete the exhibit and support future Seaside Center climate-change educational programs.
“Sustainable CT is thrilled to be collaborating with the Bruce Museum, the town of Greenwich and community donors to support the development of this new interactive, public exhibit on climate change,” said Lynn Stoddard, executive director of Sustainable CT. ”¦Together, we designed an interactive, multimedia exhibit station that will have a permanent home at the Bruce Museum Seaside Center at the Innis Arden Cottage in Greenwich Point Park”¦.”