Impact100 Westchester awards more than $300K to nonprofits

impact 100
Members of the Impact100 executive board who were photographed include, from left: Laura Rotter; Roberta Shapiro; Susan Bloom; Samantha Schwam; Laura Stone; Dawn Hoesterey; and Blakely Brodbeck.

Impact100 Westchester, the women”™s collective giving organization, held its annual meeting on May 21 at Brae Burn Country Club. With a record 352 members, Impact100 awarded $352,000 to Westchester nonprofits, including three $100,000 Transformational Project Grants, three Core Mission Grants and one Focus Area Grant.

The recipients of the $100,000 Transformational Project Grants, as announced by Impact100 co-presidents Samantha Schwam and Susan Bloom, were:

Ӣ WJCS (Its project is The Center Lane Pride Program).

Ӣ Make the Road New York (Its project is the Immigrant Families Center @

La Casa Azul).

Ӣ GildaӪs Club Westchester (Its project is the Teen Cancer Center).