Gov. Lamont proposes 25-cent gas tax holiday through June
Gov. Ned Lamont has called on the state legislature to enact new strategies designed to combat the rapidly rising inflation rates and the dramatic spikes in gas prices.
Among the potential strategies that Lamont is raising for consideration are a tax holiday on the 25-cent excise tax on gas that would run through June 30, free bus service during April and moving the annual week-long sales tax holiday on clothing purchases from August to April.
“We are looking at every way we can to provide immediate relief to our residents as they face rising prices,” Lamont said. “We must do everything we can to make Connecticut more affordable and keep money in families”™ wallets.”
Lamont added that he was seeking a “a bipartisan approach to help all of our constituents.” Absent from the proposals was the idea raised by Republican gubernatorial candidate Bob Stefanowski that would suspend the state”™s gas tax for the remainder of the year.
“Long term, we need to take a holistic approach to tax relief, including gas taxes,” Stefanowski said last week when raising that proposal. “But today, people need immediate relief.”