Boscobel House and Gardens in Garri-son has gained two new members on its board: George Pataki, former gov-ernor of New York state, and architect John Sadlon. 

“We are thrilled to have these brilliant new additions to our board,” said Boscobel Executive Director and Cura-tor Jennifer Carlquist. “Governor George Pataki and John Sadlon”™s in-sight and expertise are invaluable, particularly as Boscobel creates a new Master Site Plan, enhancing and ex-panding access to its iconic landscape and reaching new standards in envi-ronmental and fiscal sustainability.” 

Throughout his career Pataki has demonstrated a fierce commitment to environmental stewardship. He con-tinues that advocacy working on ener-gy, infrastructure and environmental law issues in private practice at Nor-ton Rose Fulbright. 

Sadlon is a licensed architect with broad expertise in historic preserva-tion, adaptive reuse, new construction and interior renovations. His focus is on strategic vision and long-term planning for the built environment, as well as the integration of human-centric design solutions. 

Pataki and Sadlon”™s terms began in Spring of 2021, as Boscobel celebrates its 60th anniversary of becoming a museum.