Neighbor to Neighbor in Greenwich continues to witness high numbers of people in town who are food insecure and depend on the nonprofit for weekly food assistance. Two local organizations came to the rescue
Lori Jackson and Jaye Richey, leaders of the Faith in Action Committee at St. Paul”™s Church in Riverside, noted the dramatic increase in food insecurity as thousands lost their jobs. “We knew we had to quickly organize a substantial food drive to supplement Neighbor to Neighbor”™s inventory,” Jackson said. “We put the word out and mobilized a weekly food drive at St. Paul”™s every Thursday morning.”
Recognizing St. Paul”™s plea for help, the Social Justice Committee of the Parish of St. Catherine of Siena and St. Agnes, chaired by Betsy Parker, also launched a weekly contactless food drive in Riverside on Tuesday mornings. The committee continues to collect shelf-stable foods and personal-care products for Neighbor to Neighbor every Tuesday morning.
“The need still exists and we are going to continue on,” said Pam Sloane, social justice committee member and lead communicator of the Tuesday food drive.
Both churches have seen extraordinary acts of generosity from the community.