Seven-year-old Iliana enjoys a nutritious meal at a summer feeding site.

Feeding Westchester in Elmsford, the county”™s largest nonprofit hunger-relief organization, is gearing up for an increase in demand among families with school-aged children and challenges the community to get involved by participating in its “Summer Help From Home Bags” program.

“Proper nutrition is crucial for a child”™s mental, emotional and physical development,” said Kelly Pearson, RD, nutrition resource manager at Feeding Westchester. “In addition to children who don”™t get enough to eat, low-nutrient dense diets can also lead to poor health outcomes, such as nutrient deficiencies, malnutrition, anemia and risk for developing obesity.”

To help meet the increased summertime need, Feeding Westchester will continue to assemble and deliver free meals and food through organizations like the United Way of Westchester & Putnam, Boys & Girls Club of Mount Vernon and the Ossining and Elmsford school districts.

“Last summer, Feeding Westchester provided more than 5.6 million meals to children and families facing hunger,” said Karen C. Erren, the nonprofit”™s president and CEO. 

Feeding Westchester”™s Summer Help From Home Bags can be assembled at home and dropped off at Feeding Westchester in Elmsford. For details on what to include, visit https://bit.ly/34dHmfB and to find help or give help, visit feedingwestchester.org or call (914) 923-1100.