From left: Terry Borjeson, vice president of public affairs and Cathy Dionne, director of business development at Aquiline Drones stock up the Newington Food Bank in preparation for turkey meal distribution.

Despite creating powerful industry partnerships around the globe, Aquiline Drones in Hartford, a fast-growing drone and cloud technology company, has not forgotten its local roots. Founded by life-long Newington resident Barry Alexander and comprised of a staff in which 50% of employees also reside in town, Aquiline Drones recently offered a helping hand to the town of Newington”™s Food Bank by having its employees collect and drive turkey meals to those in need as part of Newington”™s town-wide annual Thanksgiving collection.

“Taking a few hours out of the workday to donate both the time and talent of our staff to such a beneficial human services organization is a no-brainer,” said Alexander, Aquiline Drones CEO. “We are only as successful as the community which sustains us and while we are in the process of changing the drone landscape across the world, we are never too busy to assist our local region in whatever capacity necessary.”

Terry Borjeson, vice president of public affairs; Cathy Dionne, director of business development; and Emily Guion, director of operations, purchasing and facilities manned a two-hour shift Thursday, Nov. 19, which consisted of collecting and distributing food at external drop off points around the Newington Town Hall, as well as packaging and delivering food to homebound, impoverished residents.

More than 400 turkey meals were collected and delivered during the day.