Should business groups merge? Vote online

Should Westchester have one organization representing the interests of its business community?

In other words, should the Westchester County Association and The Business Council of Westchester merge?

This question has been asked many times over the years, but especially in recent months as “consolidation” has become the goal du jour.

The Great Recession forced each of us to rethink and retool the way we do business. Smart business people are doing more with less.

Over the years, the Business Journal has received requests to “take up the cause” to call for the merging of the two groups. We asked the heads of both organizations for their take. Members of both groups have expressed ”“ on the record and off ”“ their desires to see the groups unite as one powerful voice for business.

WCA president William M. Mooney Jr. wrote in a letter to editor earlier this month: “We at the Westchester County Association would welcome a consolidation with The Business Council of Westchester.”

The Business Journal has questioned the need for having two separate business groups with common goals and interests. We”™ve written about duplication of efforts, membership expense and so forth.

We”™d like to hear from our readers, many of whom are members of one if not both of the organizations. We realize some people have reservations about going on the record regarding this issue.

So here is your chance to voice your opinion anonymously.

It”™s your business.

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