In an effort to help young families in need of diapers, United Way of Westchester and Putnam will hold a diaper drive during National Diaper Need Awareness week from Sept. 23-29.

The United Way is joining with The Sharing Shelf and the Junior League of Central Westchester to collect diapers for the Westchester County Diaper Bank.

Nearly half of all U.S. households with young children do not have access to clean diapers.

“There are many reasons why families may experience diaper need. Some families may not be able to afford diapers, while others may not have access to transportation to get to a store,’’ said United Way CEO Tom Gabriel. “We at the United Way of Westchester and Putnam along with our partners want to ensure that all babies have access to clean diapers and other basic necessities so they can thrive and reach their full potential.”

To donate, drop off at the following locations or donate through Amazon at Amazon Wishlist.

Drop off locations are

United Way of Westchester and Putnam, 336 Central Park Ave., White Plains or The Sharing Self, 47 Purdy Ave, Port Chester, New York.

For more, visit https://www.uwwp.org/diaper/.

United Way of Westchester and is an anti-poverty organization dedicated to improving the lives of 40% of the county’s residents who live in poverty or paycheck to paycheck. It also provides strategic resources and tools to help struggling residents lead a better, more stable life and these include 211 Helpline operating 24/7 across the Hudson Valley, early literacy programming for preschoolers in underserved communities, job skills training and financial empowerment for financially struggling adults and families, as well as access to health services and discounts on prescription drugs. United Way supports hundreds of local nonprofits with millions of dollars in grants and essential goods for basic needs, as well as by providing affordable professional development and connecting nonprofits to new resources.
UWWP is located at 336 Central Park Ave., White Plains.