“1e Art of Rebellion” Art Exhibition Debuts in Yonkers Arts Gallery.

Yonkers Arts is excited to announce the opening of its latest exhibition, “e Art of Rebellion.” is immersive exploration of the skateboarding subculture highlighting the notion of “skater-vision” and how it impacts their lives as well as the world around them.

““e Art of Rebellion” challenges traditional notions of art by showcasing the raw energy and creativity of a subculture, said Ray Wilcox, co-curator and executive director at Yonkers Arts. “e Art of Rebellion” is more than just an exhibition; it’s a journey into the heart of a subculture that has redefine creativity, self-expression, and social commentary.””

Co-curator Tralona Boisne states said, “the skateboarding culture consists of some of the most passionate, creative, ingenious, adaptive and persistent people on the planet. Visit any skate spot in the world and you’ll likely find yourself in the company of an artist, a musician, a craftsman, or a dancer. e overlap of skateboarding, art and music cultures is a world all its own”.

“e Art of Rebellion” is a must-see for art enthusiasts, skateboarding aficionados, and anyone seeking a fresh perspective. is exhibition celebrates the incredible and diverse ‘interpretive’ artists and skate spots like the Brooklyn Banks in NYC, le Palais de Tokyo AKA “le Dôme” in Paris, MACBA in Barcelona, and the Southbank Undercro in London; All to which you’ll find basking in the natural unity of what were once considered societal taboos.

e “Art of Rebellion” features artworks from local and international communities. The exhibition is co-curated by Ray Wilcox of Yonkers Arts, Joseph and Tralona Boisne of Little Shop of Gorgeous, and Tomas Feinstein from Fillin Global. e exhibition is supported by Yonkers Arts and will feature an Opening Reception on Thursday July 25 from 6pm-9pm.

About Yonkers Arts
e mission of Yonkers Arts is to develop a strong, effective, and cooperative network of artists, cultural organizations and members of the community to promote and encourage the arts in the city of Yonkers.