Pace’s Lubin School unveils new arts and entertainment concentration

Pace University’s Lubin School of Business on Sept. 13 announced the launch of a new Arts and Entertainment Management concentration, aimed at addressing a growing interest among management students in industries falling within those fields.

The school has already announced guest lecturers will include ABC’s Katie Couric, film director Ron Howard, and Viacom Entertainment Group President Doug Herzog, among others.

The Arts and Entertainment Management program will be under the direction of Theresa K. Lant, who has worked at Pace since 2009. Management students participating in the program will earn a Bachelor of Business Administration degree.

“With Pace already a destination for students in the performing arts, we intend to also make it a destination for students who want to build careers in the organizations and companies that are built upon the arts,” said Neil Braun, dean of the Lubin School and a former president of NBC Television Network and CEO of Viacom Entertainment, in a prepared statement.

Braun noted that the Performing Arts department has been the university”™s fastest growing department since his arrival in 2010.