The 2024 New York state budget, which was recently passed has Save the Sound in Larchmont very pleased because it includes the continuation of significant environmental investments, a promising development for Suffolk County, and one ground-breaking energy policy.
“We are pleased to see the state of New York continue its commitment to clean water infrastructure, providing communities the funding necessary to address the escalating challenges of wastewater and stormwater pollution and enhancing climate change resiliency across the region,” said David Ansel, vice president of water protection for Save the Sound. “This funding, combined with the Environmental Bond Act, puts us in a stronger position than ever to protect and restore the waters of Long Island Sound and its rivers and tributaries. Now that the budget has passed, we ask our legislators to turn their attention to other bills that will help prepare our communities for the future, including through use of living shorelines and other resiliency measures.”
The budget also provides funding for state environmental agencies to increase staffing levels, including the Department of Environmental Conservation and 265 roles across multiple agencies to implement the $4.2 billion Bond Act.
The All-Electric Building Act is the first legislation of its kind in the country and a vital step toward New York”™s commitment to reduce emissions by 40% of 1990 levels by 2030 and 85% by 2050.