From left: Steven J. Georgiades of Cummings Lockwood LLC, Katherine C. Gent of Cummings & Lockwood, Christine Lai and Sean Hamill of Ivey, Barnum & O’Mara. Photo by Bob Capazzo.

The Greenwich Bar Association held its annual Law Day Luncheon Friday, May 12, at Indian Harbor Yacht Club and presented the 2023 Liberty Bell Award to Christine Lai, co-founder and executive director of the Special Education Legal Fund. Each year the Greenwich Bar Association honors nonlawyer members of the community who foster a sense of civic responsibility and who have performed outstanding community service, promoting greater respect for the law and contributing to good government in the community.

“Thank you to the Board of the Greenwich Bar Association, especially President Katherine Gent and Law Day chairs Sean Hamill and Steven Georgiades, for this incredible honor,” said Lai. “The Special Education Legal Fund could not be successful and have an impact without the support and dedication of our partner attorneys and advocates who support our students and make our mission possible.” 

Special Education Legal Fund (S.E.L.F.) helps economically challenged families of children with learning disabilities to navigate the special education system. It provides grants of up to $5,000 per child for legal representation to help families achieve better learning and development outcomes. S.E.L.F.”™s goal is to level the playing field in the special education system so that no child with a learning disability falls between the cracks due to legal or economic challenges.

The Liberty Bell Award was established in 1967