Yonkers is a happy city

If you notice people in Yonkers smiling and laughing a lot, you’re not alone. The personal finance website WalletHub has named Yonkers the 18th happiest city in America. WalletHub decided to calculate just how happy people are and rank the places where they’re most happy in view of March 20 being the United Nations’ International Day of Happiness.

On July 12, 2012, the U.N. General Assembly adopted a resolution proclaiming March 20 as a day to recognize the relevance of happiness and well-being as universal goals and aspirations for human beings.

WalletHub, in its newly-released report, studied 30 key indicators of happiness in 182 cities in the U.S. The data used by WalletHub to do the calculations included depression rate, income-growth rate and average leisure time spent per day.

WalletHub found that the happiest city in the county is Fremont, California, while the least happy city is Detroit, Michigan. Yonkers, at number 18, was just behind San Diego, California, Scottsdale, Arizona, and Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Yonkers is a lot happier than Bridgeport, Connecticut, which ranked number 68 according to WalletHub. It even surpassed New York City, which came in at number 57.