Nearly two-thirds of American workers have thought of quitting over stress 

April, National Stress Awareness Month, finds stressed-out workers thinking about pulling the plug on their jobs.

In this, National Stress Awareness month, a new survey by VoiceNation, a leading customer service provider, revealed that 63% of Americans have contemplated leaving their current jobs due to stress-related factors. 

Some of the most common stresses in work include: 

  • Excessive workload – 45% 
  • Poor management – 32% 
  • Lack of support from colleagues – 29% 
  • Crushing deadlines – 25% 
  • Poor time management – 22% 

New York finished just out of the top 10 in burned-out states at No. 11, preceded in order by Missouri, North Carolina, Tennessee, Maryland, Michigan, Ohio, Virginia, South Carolina, Texas and Florida. For more, click here.