Fairfield First Selectman voices opposition to United Illuminating project

A monopole electric transmission tower. Courtesy Pixabay

Fairfield First Selectman Bill Gerber his opposition to the Connecticut Citing Council’s decision to issue a certificate to United Illuminating for an alternate proposal for the company’s Railroad Transmission Line Upgrade Project.

Gerber described the monopoles the project will require as a top priority for his administration in an interview with Westfair.

The Hannon-Morissette Alternative for the project which the Siting Council issued certification for relocates the monopoles,but did not fully satisfy the First Selectman or many Fairfield residents.

“The vote for the option to move monopoles to the north side of the railroad tracks, while it has the potential to be a step in the right direction, does a grave disservice to the Town and its residents,” Gerber said in a Feb 15 press release. “Ratepayers as well as residents have a right to understand and weigh in on the impacts of potentially having new giant monopoles erected in their backyards.”

“Since UI has not yet designed this alternative route, property owners to the north have not been provided any notice of potential impacts on their properties, let alone a right to participate in the Siting Council hearing. Property owners could be facing significant impacts on their properties without any due process rights,” he continued. “The Town still believes that undergrounding is the best option and we are discussing an appeal with our legal team.”