Beacon looks at community facility needs
The City of Beacon has released a report prepared by the consulting firm Weston & Sampson that studies the city’s community facility and program situation and makes recommendations for future facility and program opportunities.
“The plan establishes a clear direction for policy development, delivery of city services, and the prioritization of demands and opportunities,” the report says. “The plan positions Beacon to build on the community”™s unique assets while identifying new strategic initiatives to improve offerings.”
The consultants held public meetings and conducted an online survey to seek input. They also met with city staff as part of the process. The report said that key takeaways from public participation included evidence that there is strong support for a new or expanded community center in Beacon.
Approximately 70% of the respondents to the online survey stated that a new or expanded community center was needed within the city, according to the report. In addition, 57% of the respondents preferring a larger centralized community center over several smaller centers.
The three items that received the highest rating for how to increase engagement and utilization of city facilities were:
- Improving the condition and maintenance of parks and facilities;
- Improving the communication about program offerings;
- Hosting additional community programs and events.
The three items that were classified as being the most important for Beacon to address over the next decade were:
- Expanded community programs and activities;
- Development of new community recreation centers;
- Preservation of open space and land acquisition.
The three facilities that received the highest importance rating for the city to address over the next decade were:
- Trails and pathways;
- Additional restrooms and improvements to existing restroom facilities;
- A new community center.
The three programs that received the highest importance rating for the city to address over the next decade were:
- Environmental education and nature programs;
- Music and art in the parks;
- Programming for teenagers.
The report found that parks in Beacon are well maintained, especially given limited operations and maintenance staffing. Areas for improvement are typically related to outdated amenities and facilities like pavilions, play equipment, and irrigation. In some cases, complete removal of unsafe or substandard facilities is recommended, while in others, repair to these features may be considered. In all parks, accessibility, tree planting/maintenance, and improved signage was recommended to increase park usage and provide a safe community environment.
Green Street Park is one of the parks in Beacon that was studied. Among the specific recommendations made to improve the park were to resurface or replace the basketball courts with new color sealcoating and athletic striping. eliminate low spots and reduce stormwater ponding and add more shade trees.